Paramètres des éléments
10Comment aligner les éléments
After you add the intro and outro, you can press the shortcuts to align the elements. Note: Users only can…
Comment définir le format du texte
After you add the text to your video successfully, you can change the font, font size, font color and so…
Comment ajouter des textes
Here are 2 methods to add the texts for users. 1. Enter the texts directly in the text panel Enter…
Puis-je personnaliser les polices
Of course, Mango Text Video Maker allows users to custom the fonts of the texts. Here are the steps: 1.…
Puis-je personnaliser l'animation de texte
Yes, you can. Adding animations to texts can animate the texts and make your video more interactive. 1. Click to…
Comment ajouter des effets spéciaux et des icônes à ma vidéo
Adding special effects and icons can visualize the texts and impress the viewers easily. Add special effects: 1. Click to…
Comment appliquer des styles prédéfinis aux éléments
Mango Text Video Maker offers users different kinds of preset styles. Apply them only with a simple click. 1. Click…
Comment ajouter des effets artistiques aux éléments
Mango Text Video Maker provides users with 4 artistic effects as follows: Paper Cutout Effect, Black and White effect, Shadow…
Comment retourner les éléments horizontalement et verticalement
On the canvas, you can flip the elements such as characters, images and special effects horizontally and vertically. 1. Click…
Puis-je ajuster l'ordre des calques
If you add special effects, icons, images and other elements to your video, you can adjust the layer order of…