Ustawienia elementów


  • Jak dodać dźwięk

    Add sound or music to the animated video can make it more vivid and interesting. Specific steps are as follows.…

  • Jak dodawać kształty

    In the process of making a video, you can add shapes to emphasize some important content, and it can help…

  • Jak dodać tekst

    In Mango Whiteboard Animation Maker, you can add text to your video, to make your video more persuasive. Step1. Click…

  • Jak korzystać z Mojej biblioteki

    During the creation of the video, you can add some images, texts, audios and other elements that are constantly used…

  • Jak dodać objaśnienie do wideo

    Add callout to your video can make your video more interesting, especially when the character is talking, and then you…
