Znane težave v AM
6Napaka se pojavi, ko poskušam uvoziti PPT
Try to import PPT to the software but it gives me an error and stuck at converting. The contents of…
Vzemite si veliko časa, da naložite novo pisavo
It takes so much time to load a new font when I open a new template. In this case, please…
Nalaganje podatkov ni uspelo, znova naloži
My network is good, but it fail to load data and ask me to reload when I open the software.…
Uvožene slike postanejo zamegljene
The images/pictures imported from my computer are in high resolution. But after being uploaded to the software, they become blurry.…
Shramba vašega sistema je skoraj polna. Prosimo, očistite svoje računalniške smeti
When I open the software, a pop-up window shows "Your system's storage is almost full. Please clean your computer garbage…
Neveljavna oblika datoteke. Datoteka je lahko uničena
When I open my project, I get an error "lnvalid file format.the file may be destroyed". The project was destroyed.…